A Welcome into the Neighbourhood

My arrival to my new rural home in France was welcomed with kindness from the neighbours. After just one morning, a car pulled into the driveway - it was the neighbours inviting me for an aperitif that evening. Their welcoming spirit put me at ease in this unfamiliar place.

Getting set up with the socialized healthcare system called “Carte Vitale” was a simple process. Within 20 minutes at the local office in Caen, I had my medical coverage card. Surprisingly, the agent even called later to remind me I had left a book behind - offering to send it to a nearby office for easy pickup. Such thoughtful service left me impressed with French healthcare.

Appreciating the Cultural Differences

While I’ve adjusted well to most aspects of rural French lifestyle, the cultural norms around personality and conflict have taken more getting used to. Coming from a background that values avoiding confrontation, the local value placed on using emotion and willpower to influence others can be an uncomfortable aspect. However, I am learning to navigate interacting in a way that respects all.

Enjoying Nature’s Beauty amid Historic Architecture

The rural landscape is strikingly beautiful, with centuries-old stone farmhouses and monuments dotting the countryside. Though keeping up the historic structures can be challenging, their architectural splendor is well worth enjoying. On walks through the countryside, I am able to soak in the natural serenity while appreciating the area’s rich historical roots.

Prioritizing Relationships over Material Wealth

A biggest surprise was how the rural lifestyle emphasizes connecting with family, friends and community over financial success. Coming from a culture obsessed with jobs and money, it was refreshing to see relationships valued above all else. Six months in, I feel less pressure and more freedom to enjoy life’s simplest pleasures.

Experiencing World-Class Healthcare

The quality of preventative, comprehensive and affordable medical care has amazed me the most. Having lived in the US, I appreciate not worrying about healthcare costs derailing my security or quality of life. This alone has proven living in rural France worthwhile.

Reflecting on the Journey So Far

While cultural adjustments took time, my overall experience moving to rural France from the US has been richly positive. An open mindset and willingness to embrace new experiences helped the transition. Six months in, I feel fortunate to call this beautiful part of France my home. Life in Rural France from an American Perspective